Hope House Men’s Program

Our men’s substance abuse treatment program has moved!   Our beautiful new facility is now located in LaPrairie, MN, about one mile outside of Grand Rapids on Highway 2.  This private, structured environment and supportive staff allow men to gain the skills they need to become positive members of their families and productive members of their communities.

Each Hope House client receives personalized treatment according to his individual needs. Program options include:

  • Relapse Prevention Group:  Provides knowledge of the relapse process and helps the client recognize individual triggers as well as develop healthy coping skills.
  • Relationship Skills Group:  Helps clients recognize and address how their addiction has affected their relationships.
  • Step Group:  Provides clients with a working knowledge of the 12 steps of AA and NA.
  • Resurfacing Group:  A group that teaches different ways to view issues and solve problems through the development and use of alternative coping skills.
  • Education on Co-Occurring Disorders Group:  Provides the client with education on how to manage their mental health concerns, especially as those concerns relate to chemical dependency.  This co-occurring group also informs clients of the effect mental illnesses can have on addiction and relapse prevention.
  • Family Systems Group:  Provides education and support for chemically dependent fathers in their endeavor to become healthy, chemical-free parents.
  • Living Skills Group:  Provides clients with the necessary tools to live a healthy, chemical-free lifestyle.  Topics covered include budgeting, organizational skills, etc.
  • Socialization and Stress Management Group:  Designed to encourage long and short-term goal planning and achievement by addressing client goals and receiving feedback from peers.
  • Family Recovery Program:  Educates clients and their families on the nature of substance abuse and recovery and how it affects the family system. Our hope is to provide much-needed support for families of those in recovery while promoting empathy and addressing boundary issues.
  • Therapeutic Recreation:  Provides clients with an opportunity to participate in chemical-free recreational activities while learning to select and plan safe leisure activities that don’t involve substance use.
  • Mindfulness Group:  A group that focuses on instilling and expanding our client’s understanding and use of mindfulness and mindfulness-based skills.

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