
Hope House of Itasca County, Inc.

Sobriety is possible.

Choosing the right treatment center for you is one of the most important decisions you can make. What makes Hope House unique is our flexibility and focus on offering the best individualized, co-occurring treatment services possible.

We offer a range of onsite services to our clients, including:

Certified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner
Registered Nurse
Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker
Licensed Graduate Social Workers
Licensed Social Workers
Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors
Peer Recovery Support Specialists
Care Coordinators
Residential and outpatient services, including local transportation


Hope House of Itasca County considers all referrals for admission without regard to race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, or ability.  Arrangements for admission are made in advance by contacting us at:

The Hope House Men’s Program:
P:  (218) 326-1443
F: (218) 326-4390
The Pear Lake Women’s Program:
P:  (218) 327-9944
F: (218) 327-9375
General Admission Inquiries:
E:  admissions@hopehousetreatment.org

For referral inquiries, you are welcome to contact us by phone, e-mail, or fax.

Requirements for admission include:

Minimum 18 years of age
*Provide an alcohol and drug history (Comprehensive Chemical Use Assessment)
Active health insurance
Provide a legal and criminal history
Complete a pre-admission interview
*Provide a mental health history (Diagnostic Assessment)
*When applicable

Admissions Process:

Admissions are typically scheduled Monday through Thursday between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm, but we will happily consider admissions outside of this time frame on a case-by-case basis.
Referrals may be made by a physician, family member/friend,  a qualified chemical use assessor, a treatment agency, or other providers working collaboratively with the referred client.
When we cannot accept an applicant,  we will do our best to make individualized referrals to other programs.
Treatment costs vary depending on treatment duration and available sources of payment. Hope House staff will communicate with prospective clients and other applicable parties regarding payment options. Financial assistance may be available for those who are deemed eligible.